Friday 10 April 2015

Strawberry Shortcake 

Hi guys today I will be sharing my recipe for strawberry shortcake. Very easy to do and it really taste good. One way to make this recipe a sucess is  to choose the sweetest strawberry that you can get a hold of.

For the Sponge cake we need

6 large eggs
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup +2 tbsp of plain flour
2 tsp or 40g of corn flour or cornstarch
40 g of butter
50 ml of milk

For the cream  this is enough to fill and iced the cake  but for decoration  I used anothe 1/2 cup of cream and 1 1/2 tbsp of sugar .

600 ml of cream
1 tsp of vanilla
1/3 cup of sugar
2 punnet of stawberry

optional chop walnuts just for decoration and a little crunch

Pre heat oven at 190 deg C

Line your baking pan with parchment paper on the bottom and on the side of the cake. I used 2 , 8x3 inch  round cake pan.

Combine milk and butter and melt it in the microwave, set aside.

Combine flour and cornstarch give it a mix and set aside we will sift this later

Mix egg and sugar in a bowl. Place the bowl on a double boiler (pan with simmerring water) and beat until the eggyolks warms up into room temperature, (during the cooking process occasionally ift the bowl up to release some of the steam to prevent the eggs from curdling.)Once it reached  room temperature take the bowl away from the heat .

Continue beating at highspeed until the egg turns into light and airy mixture. This can take upto 10 mins. ( you have to be patient)

Then sift the flour cornstarch mixture into the eggyolk mixture using the folding method.

Then fold in the butter and milk mixture make sure that it is at room temperature.

Transfer into the prepared pan and bake immedietly

Bake at a preheated oven at at 190 deg C for about 20-25 mins or until when you insert a toothpick in the middle of the cake and the toothpick comesout clean.

After baking immedietly remove the sponge cake from the pan and let cool down  completely.

Slice the cake into 2 thus making 4 layers of cake.

****** Now prepate the whipping cream for the filling and the topping

Whip the cream together with the sugar and vanilla until stiff peaks. If you lift up your electric  beater and the cream doesnt fall off then its ready.

Now cut the straberries into thin slices vertically as shown on the picture . Reserve some chop up strawberries for the top aswell.

Cover the bottom of the sponge cake with a thin layer of whip cream  and place strawberries on top
then cover the strawbwerries with some more whip cream .

Place the second layer of sponge cake slice on top and press gently then do the same process of adding a thin layer of whip cream and stawberries then whip cream again.  Do the same for the third layer.

Cover the top with whip cream . Then the sides of the cake with cream aswell to cover all the gaps.

Smooth out the cake as best as you can then decorate the top with whip cream I use 1m tip to pipe rossets .

Then in the middle add the reserve chop up strawberries on top.

Hope you enjoy this recipe .

Love My Sweet Ambitions

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