Saturday 18 April 2015


The ingridents that we need are

85 g of cake flour
1/4 tsp of salt
1 1/2 tsp of baking powder
4 egg yolk
50 ml water
75 g sugar
1/2 to 1 tsp of vanilla
45 ml or 3 tbsp of vegetable oil

For the meringue
4 egg white
1/4 tsp of cream of tartar
1/4 cup of sugar

Begin by preheating the oven at 180 deg C

Grease the moulds with butter.

Combine salt,baking powder with cake flour mix and set aside.

Combine water, eggyolk ,vanilla and sugar beat with a whisk , make sure that sugar is well dissolve.

Sift in the flour mixture  to the eggyolk mixture mix until well combined.

Add the oil  and set aside ,  while we move to the meringue.


Using an electric beater , beat eggwhite until frothy  then add the cream of tartar.

Gradually add the sugar continue to beat until we reach stiff peak stage.

Combine the meringue into the eggyolk batter in 3 additions using folding method making sure that you do not knocked out all the air from the meringue.

Scoop in about 3 tbsp of batter into the mamon mould. Place the mamon mould into a baking sheet.

Before baking give the baking pan a tap to release some trap air bubbles.

Bake the mamon in a preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 15-18 minutes

After baking in a wire rack turn the mamon mould upside down  and let it cool down completely in that position before unmoulding.

To finish the mamon brush it with room temperature butter on top and then finally dip it in a bowl of sugar.

Hope you like this recipe.

Happy baking .


My Sweet Ambitions :D

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