Friday 6 November 2015

Lengua de Gato

Hi guys a very easy recipe today
 2 egg whites from 2 eggs
1/3 plain flour
60 g butter
1/2 cup sugar

Beat butter and sugar in a small bowl with electric mixer until light and fluffy.
Stir in egg whites beat for about 1-2 minutes then add the sifted flour. Occasionally scrape the side of the bowl to insure everything is mixing well.

Spoon mixture in a piping bag fitted with 5mm piping tube  or just use the piping bag without any piping tip. Pipe about 5- 8cm strips  on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Allow about 6 per tray for they spread allot.

Tap tray firmly on the bench to spread mixture slightly.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 8-12 minutes or until the sides of the lengua is lightly brown.

Let it cool in the baking pan for atleast 1 minute before tranferring in to the wire rack.

Store in an airtight container :D



My Sweet Ambitions

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