Thursday 5 November 2015

Chocolate Cupcake with Fudge Icing 


3/4 cup butter
1 1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup butter milk
1 tsp instant coffee
1 tbsp hot water
1 3/4 cup cake flour
1 cup cocoa powder
2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs

For the fudge icing
14 cup plus 1 tbsp water
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup icing sugar
340 g dark baking chocolate
1 tbsp glucose

Pre heat oven at  170 deg C prepare the cupcake pan line it with cupcake liner.

To substitute butter milk to a homemade version combine 1 cup of fresh milk and 1 tbsp of white vinegar. Set aside for 10 minutes before using.

Combine hot water and coffee set aside to cool

Combine cake flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa powder  mix and then sift, set aside.

Beat butter then add sugar continue to beat for about 3-5 minutes or until light and fluffy.
Add vanilla, then add eggs one at a time beating in each addition, occasionally scrape down the side of the bowl.

Combine the buttermilk, sour cream and the cooled coffee.

Now alternately add the flour mixture and buttermilk into the butter mixture . Start with the flour then buttermilk then flour. You should end up adding the flour last.  ( I added my flour in 3 additions then buttermilk in 2 additions Please see the video as a guide).

Pour batter into the cupcake pan filling about 3/4 of the way full. Bake in a pre heated oven at 170 deg C or until when you insert toothpick in the middle and the toothpick comes out clean. Halfway thru baking rotate the pan for even baking. Allow to cool in a wire rack

Cool completely before icing.

For the fudge Icing

Combine the water and glucose in a pan and boil in a stove with a heat setting medium heat and then add the cocoa powder, set aside to cool completely.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave or double boiler.

Combine butter and sifted icing sugar using an electric mixer, then add the melted chocolate( it is important that the butter and chocolate is at the same temperature, room temperature to avoid the chocolate from seizing.

And finally add the cooled cocoa water mixture.

Let it cool to set for about an hour before piping or 15-30 minutes in the fridge before piping.

Pipe and decorate the cupcake. :D


Love ,

My Sweet Ambitions

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