Wednesday 22 March 2017

Coconut Mango Sago 

For the Coconut Jelly
5 tsp gelatin
400 ml coconut cream or 1 2/3 cup
1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar or according to your taste
optional (2 pandan leaves or 1 tsp vanilla)

1 cup sago
3-5 cups of water

1  can coconut cream or 1 2/3 cup or 400 ml
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup sugar or according to your taste
1 tsp vanilla
2 large mango or 3-4 small ones

In a pot combine together water, coconut cream pandan leaves or vanilla, sugar and gelatine. On medium to low heat let the coconut jelly boil. Once its boiling turn of the heat and transfer the jelly into a container and let it cool down.
Once steam is all gone from the jelly put it in the fridge to set fully.

Meanwhile to cook the the tapioca peals or sago.
Boil about 2 cups of water and once its starts boiling add the tapioca peals until it becomes transparent. you may need to occasionally add water to the pot since the tapioca absorbs the water.
 Once tapioca is transparent  using a strainer rinse the sago with cold water. Set aside.

In a pot combine water, coconut cream and sugar(when adding the sugar you have to taste and see if its sweet enough for you. )then add vanilla. Let the mixture boil and then add the sago. At this point the mixture will be less sweet with the addition of the sago so you will need to taste again. I added another 1/4 cup to correct the sweetness. Then let it boil again for about 1 minute.

Transfer into a bowl and let it cool down, once it has cooled down put it in the fridge.

Meanwhile cut the mangoes into cubes.

Once the coconut jelly is set cut it into cubes as well.

At this point we are now ready to put all the ingredients together.

Combine the coconut sago mixture with the coconut jelly  then finally the diced up mango. Mix gently so the jelly will maintain its shape.

Transfer into a serving bowl and enjoy :D


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