Tuesday 27 January 2015

Pande- Siosa

Pande-siosa this is a very rich buttery soft bread with butter and sugar toppings , I never knew what it is called until someone requested for me to make this,  I always have then growing but never knewwhat it is called. So today I will be sharing my recipe for Pande-siosa.

This Recipe will yeild 2 Pande-siosa


3 eggyolks
1 egg
3 1/4 cup+2 TBS  and then during mixing I ended up adding 3 tbsp of flour extra
2/3 cup warm water
150 g butter or 2/3 cup
1/2 cup sugar +1 tbsp
1 packet of yeast
1/2 tsp of salt
1tbs of oil
some eggwash

For the toppings:

 130 g of room temperature butter
 sugar as needed maybe 1/4 to 1/3 cup
optional grated cheese

In my bread recipe especially if I am using all pupose flour I find that making a yeast dough paste,  is making the bread soft and prevents the bread from getting hard the next day.


Dough Paste

* Add 1 tbsp of sugar into the warm water give it a stir and add the yeast  let it sit for about 5      minutes or until you see the foam starts coming up on top of the water .

* Combine 1 cup of flour and 1/2 a tsp of salt give it a good mix then add the yeast mixture. Give it a mix and once everything is well combined cover it with cling wrap and set it aside to rise. I usually put my yeast dough in the oven then I boil hot water  put in in a jug then place it aswell in the oven the steam and heat from the water will help the dough to rise quicker and more efficiently.

The Dough

* After the dough has risen about an hour  we can start putting together the rest of the ingridients.
Starting with the dough paste, then add 1/2 cup of sugar , 3 eggyolks and 1 egg then start  adding  about 2 cups of the remaining flour (you can knead the dough by hand if you do not have a stand mixer) then start kneading once everyting is incorporated add the butter a little at a time , at this point the dough will be very stick, add the remaining 1/4 cup +2 tbsp of flour continue kneading if you feel that the dough is still very sticky add extra flour but being carefully to put to much add a tablespoon at time. In my case I added extra 3 tbsp sometime making bread  you just have to feel if the dough is not sticky to work with anymore.  Knead the dough for about 5-7 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic, form the dough into a ball.

*In a bowl lighty put oil on it and roll the dough into the oil this will prevent the dough from sticking into the bowl.

*Let rise for 1 -2 hours or until the dough has doubled in size.

*Once the  dough has doubled in size you can start working, cutting and shapping the dough.

*Cut the dough in half , work on 1 dough at a time. form the dough into a ball cut it in half then quarter , each quater cut in half , making 8 equal pieces. Whewww its hard to explain this part.

*To shape the dough , what I usually do is to stretch the side of the dough and tucking it under until it forms a round shape, and to make the dough smooth I usually cupped my hand and roll the dough toward my work surface.

*You can place the rolls into any round cake pan , make sure that it is well greased with butter in my video I use 8x3 "round cake pan.

*Arrange the rolls in the pan forming like a flower, one in the middle and 7 on the sides . Cover again with cling wrap or plastic wrap and let it rise for 45 minute . 15 minutes before baking preheat the oven at 180 Deg Celcius .

*Bake the rolls for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown, but before baking brush the top with egg wash(0ne egg beaten ).

*Once its done baking let it cool down completely before proceeding to the next step.


Beat the butter until light and fluffy (this step is optional )
Once the bread has completely cooled down brush the bread or spread the butter into the top of the  bread making sure that you get into all the creases then sprinkle in the sugar or dump the bread into the sugar.

At this point the bread is done, but you can always add greated cheddar cheese.

And this is how to make Pande-siosa.

Hope the instructions are clear but you can always watch the video I made to clear some points.

Thank you.


My Sweet Ambitions

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Like how much of the yeast from the packet exactly we will be using here please? Packets of yeast here come in many sizes so I'm kind of confused. Thank you so much.
