Sunday 18 January 2015


Hi my name is Pamela aka My Sweet Ambitions, wife and mother of 2.  I moved to Australia 10 years ago.  After having my first son my husband and I made a concious decision for me to stay home and raise our kid.  I love to cook but I do not know much about baking since growing up we do not have an oven, so while my son is napping I watched YouTube and started watching videos about baking.  I grew interest on it and believe I can do that as well.  From then on I became hungry to learn more and started researching about the science of baking.  Yes I do not have a culinary diploma! Or a chef hat but I am passionate and I spend hours and hours learning online and testing out recipe and slowly I started making my own recipe if I can't find the recipe online. I love to share  I do not keep secret about the recipe if it doesn't work I don't share.
Fast forward to October 2013 I saw our video camera just sitting in the living room, it got me thinking maybe I should film myself making this Portugeese Egg Tart? So I did. Picked up the camera put it on the tripod and start filming and thats where MySweetAmbitions is born. I am quite surprise that people start watching and subscribing.  I love what I do and I want to continue sharing and I want to create more Sweet Recipe, hope you come along with me and try out some of the recipe I share.


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