Wednesday 24 August 2016

Custard Mamon 

HI guys today I will be sharing my version of Custard Mamon 

For the caramel:
put 1/2 tbsp of sugar in each mamon tin

For the Flan
9 egg yolks
1 whole egg
1/4 cup sugar
1 can condensed milk 395 g
1 can evaporated milk 375 ml
1 tsp vanilla

For the mamon

85 g cake flour
75 g sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
50 ml water
1 tsp vanilla
45 ml or 3 tbsp oil

For the meringue
4 eggwhites
1/4 tsp cream  of tartar
1/4 tsp sugar

Before we begin make sure not to grease your mamon tin, let the cake cling on to the tin to help it rise better. 

Make the caramel :

In each mamon tin put in 1/2 tbsp of sugar, then one by one melt the sugar on the stove using low heat until sugar is melted and sugar turns amber colour. 

Make the Flan:

Combine 1 whole egg to the egg yolks and also add the sugar give a quick mix, then add vanilla condensed milk and finally evaporated, as much as possible avoid mixing vigorously  to avoid creating bubbles, less bubbles makes the flan smooth . Just mix the flan mixture until sugar is dissolve. 
Using a strainer , strain the flan to get rid of the egg yolks that we failed to mix. 

Back to the mamon tin : In each mamon tin ass 2 1/2 tbsp of flan mixture. Set aside again while we move on to the mamon . 

Pre heat oven at 170 deg C 

 Combine baking powder , salt and cake flour  give it a mix and set aside.

Combine eggyolks, vanilla , water and sugar whisk until there is no more granules of sugar visible.

Sift in the dry ingridients ( cake flour mixture)  into the egg yolk mixture and give it a mix until everything is combined.
Finally add the oil and mix, set aside.

For the meringue :

Beat the egg whites until frothy and then add the cream of tartar give it a good mix and finally gradually add the sugar.
Beat until it reaches stiff peak stage.

Fold in the meringue into the cake batter in 3 additions, being careful not to defflate any air from the meringue , add the meringue in 3 additions.

Divide the mamon mixture into the mamon flan tin  about 3 tbsp each. (The mamon batter makes exactly eight but the flan mixture can make 20 so you have to do another batch of mamon  or if you have a bigger oven to accommodate the tins double the recipe. )

The custard flan need to be bake in a bain marie.  
Bake the custard flan in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or until when you insert toothpick in the middle of the cake and the toothpick come out clean.

Once the custard mamon  are  bake remove immediately from the mamon tin by gently pulling away the cake from the grooves of the mamon tin. Let it cool down completely  before eating :D

Hope that this instructions are clear enough to follow if in doubt I provided the video above for your reference :D

Happy baking :D

With all my love, 
My Sweet Ambitions 

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