Friday 15 January 2016

Pavlova Roll

4 egg whites (must be at room temperature)
1 cup sugar
1 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp corn flour or corn starch

1 cup whipping cream 
2 1/2 tbsp of powdered sugar
1 mango 
1 punnet of strawberry there will be extra
extra powdered sugar for the rolling 

* Prepare baking pan line it with parchment paper and preheat oven as well at 175 deg C

* Begin beating the egg whites until it forms soft peaks then  start adding the sugar gradually a                tablespoon at a time while continuously beating. 

* Beat until glossy and holding its peaks. 

* Add vinegar and sift in corn starch use folding method in combing the ingredients. 

* Spread the mixture in the prepared swiss roll pan.

* Bake for 12-15 minutes at Preheated oven. 

*Allow to cool in the pan. It will shrink down as it cool down. 

While its cooling down prepare the whip cream filling.  

* Combine cream and icing sugar and beat until stiff peaks. 

* I use strawberries and mango that I cut in cubes and strawberries lengthwise.

Now that the Pavlova has cooled down we are  ready to roll it. 

*Prepare a tea towel and place a baking paper on top sprinkle with powdered sugar and turn the             pavlova into the powdered sugar upside down .

* Spread with whipped cream, sliced strawberries and diced mango or any fruit of your choice. Roll      up like a Swiss Roll. 

* Top with excess whipped cream and randomly add fruit of your choice. 

Video has been provided for your reference. 

Happy Baking.


My Sweet Ambitions  

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