Wednesday 18 February 2015

Mocha Chiffon Cake 

For the cake we need

20 g of cocoa
2 1/2 table spoon of instant coffee
100 ml of milk
100 ml of oil
100 g of cake flour
180 grams of sugar divided  80 for the the eggyolk and  100 g for egg whites egg whites
8 egg yolk
8 egg whites

The basic recipe of Swiss Meringue Buttercream is 123 no matter how much you make its the same principle

132 g of egg white
264 g of sugar
396 g of butter

to make it mocha

80 g of dark chocolate (cooking or baking)
2 tsp of instant coffee
1 table spoon of water

* Pre heat oven at 180 Deg Celcius.

* Combine warm milk and coffee , stir and set aside.

* Combine cakeflour and cocoa  powder and then  mix ( we will sift this later) set aside.

* Beat eggyolk  and then gradually add 80 grams of sugar but until light and the eggyolk turns into        light pale yellow. Set aside. ( In the video I  put my eggyolk on top of a bowl with hot water  you        can skip this    step if your eggyolk is at room temperature.

* Beat the eggwhites and then add the cream of tartar beat until frothy then gradually add the                  remaining 100 grams of sugar. Beat until stiff peaks form.  (Tip make sure that all the things that        touches the eggwhites is free from grease or else your egg will not whipp up).

* Combine the eggyolk mixture into the meringue , using the folding method make sure not to                defflate the air that we put in into the meringue .

*Sift in the Flour cocoa mixture into the eggyolk/meringue mixture, mix using the folding method.

* Combine the oil to the milk/coffee mixture, then gradually add this into the cake batter in 3                 additons, make sure that you are pouring the liquid ingridients carefully.

* Divide the cake batter into 2 , 8x3 " round cake pan lined with parchement paper it is important not    to grease the pan.

* Before baking just tap the baking pan into your work surface to release air bubbles. 1-3 times.

*Bake at a preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 30 -35 minutes or until when you insert a toothpick   in the middle and the toothpick comesout clean.

* Once the cake is bake it is important to turn your pan upside down  to that your cake will not sink        in the middle.

* Let it cool down completely before unmoulding. To unmould it just run a knife or a spatula on the        side of the cake pan it will come out pretty easily.

For the Swiss meringue buttercream (Mocha)

* Combine sugar and eggwhites in a heatproof bowl and put it on top of a pot of simmering water ,        stirring continously until the sugar is totally dissolve .

* Using a stand mixer or a handheld mixer start whisking the eggwhite.(On medium speed.)

* Once the eggwhite has cooled down you can slowly start adding the butter. Once all the butter is in    continue beating or whisking until the mixture becomes thick and glossy.

* To turn this into a Mocha Icing combine the instant coffe and milk (make sure it is at room                  temperature. Melt the chocolate .

* Add the coffee mixture into the butter cream while whisking continously once the coffee mixture is    absorb  then add the melted chocolate.


* Fill the middle of the cake with the Mocha Icing.

* Decorate the way you want too.

I provided a  video as for your reference :D

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.


My Sweet Ambitions

Tuesday 17 February 2015

No Bake White/Dark Chocolate Cheesecake

Hi guys today I will be sharing my take on a no bake cheesecake dessert. This cheesecake is easy to melt but theres some preparation to be done.


For the Crust
80 g melted butter
25 pcs of Oreos (crushed)

For the Cheesecake
500 g of Cream cheese
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup boiling water
2 tsp unflavored gelatin
1 cup whipping cream or thickened cream
100 g white baking chocolate
110 g dark baking chocolate

For the frosting (optional)
40 g of chocolate
1 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup powdered sugar


Line springform pan with parchment paper.

Cobine the melted butter and oreo crumbs mis well until it resembles like a wet sand. Press into the base of the springform pan. Chill until firm.

Melt the gelatin into the boiling water( make sure that the gelatin is well dissolve ) set aside

Melt the white and dark chocolate set aside

Beat the whipping cream until soft peaks set aside.

Beat the creamcheese then add the sugar (always remember to scape down the sides of the bowl).

Fold in the whip cream in 2 additions .

Divide the cheesecake batter into 2 .

Fold in the melted white chocolate into one part of the cheesecake batter.

Then fold the dark chocolate into the remaining other half of the cheesecake batter.


Randomly drop the chocolate cheesecake batter into the prepared base making sure that you leave a gap for the white cholotate to fill in.

Then fill the gap with white chocolate cheesecake batter. Keep repeating the same process until you finish up with all the batter. ( put white chocolate batter on top of the chocolate batter, and vice versa).

Using a Knife swirl the mixture to create a marble effect.

Place it in the refrigirator to set for alteast 4 hours or overnight.


Once set you can unmould the cheesecake into the springform pan and decorate the way you want.

I whip up 1 cup of cream and added 1.4 cup of sugar divide the mixture into 2 one being plane and the other one I added ganache to make chocolate whip cream.

I provided a video for your reference.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

My Sweet Ambitions :D

Thursday 12 February 2015

Hi guys today I'll be sharing a famous  chiffon cake from the Philippines. Delicious and easy to make ingridients are not  hard to find and if you dont have the molder you can use  muffin pan just line it cupcake line and if you do wanna purchase a similar moulder on ebay  you can find it here

The ingridents that we need are

85 g of cake flour
1/4 tsp of salt
1 1/2 tsp of baking powder
4 egg yolk
50 ml water
75 g sugar
1/2 to 1 tsp of vanilla
45 ml or 3 tbsp of vegetable oil

For the meringue
4 egg white
1/4 tsp of cream of tartar
1/4 cup of sugar


softened butter as needed
sugar as needed

Pre heat oven at 180 Deg C

Grease the mamon mould with soften butter making sure that you are getting in to all the groves of the mamon mould this will ensure that the mamon will come out once the it is done baking.

Combine baking powder , salt and cakeflour  give it a mix and set aside.

Combine eggyolks, vanilla , water and sugar whisk until there is no more granules of sugar visible.

Sift in the dry ingridients ( cakeflour mixture)  into the eggyolk mixture and give it a mix until everything is combined.
Finally add the oil and mix, set aside.

For the meringue :

Beat the egg whites until frothy and then add the cream of tartar give it a good mix and finally gradually add the sugar.
Beat until it reaches stiff peak stage.

Fold in the meringue into the cake batter in 3 additions, being careful not to defflate any air from the meringue , add the meringue in 3 additions.

Divide the mamon mixture into the mamon  mould about 3 -3 1/2 tablespoon (if you are using 5" mamon mould).

Bake at a preheated oven at 180 Deg Celcius for about 15-18 minutes .

Once baked place it into a wire rack tipping the mamon upside down this will prevent the mamon from singking in the middle.

Once Mamon has cooled down brush softened butter on top of the mamon and then dip it in the sugar.

This recipe will make about 8-9 mamon.

Hope you give this a try.


My Sweetambitons :D

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Cheesecake Flan

Hi guys today I will be sharing a recipe I stumble accross 2 years ago  I got the original recipe from my expert village but I modify the recipe a little bit to suit my cake pan and  my desired texture.

For the caramel base
3/4 cup sugar

For the Cheesecake Flan
4 egg whites
8 egg yolks
1 box cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp of salt
1/2 cup fresh milk
1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
1/2 cup sugar ( can be adjusted to your desired sweetness )

Melt the sugar on a pot or your cake pan if can take the heat until it reaches amber colour. It is important during the cooking process not to stir the sugar until the sugar starts melting, cook the sugar until the desired amber amber colour is achieved . Turn o f the heat and set aside the caramel.

Flan Mixture

Beat the eggyolks and then add the fresh milk mixing slowly using a whisk ( it is important to be gentle in mixing so that we can avoid incorporating air in flan.)then add vanilla, add the evaporated milk and finally the condensed milk. Stir well  and set aside.

Cream Cheese Mixture

Using a handheld mixer or a stand mixer beat the cream cheese ( make sure cream cheese is at room temperature) then add the sugar and salt.
Then switch back into a whisk and slowly incorporate the eggwhites about 3 additions. At this point when you add the eggwhites the mixture will split but just continue mixing and the mixture will comeback together.

Combine the flan mixture into the creamcheese mixture make sure that everything is well mix and combined.

Using a strainer pour the cheesecake flan mixture into the caramel pan . Any lumps that was strained in the mixture just discard them.

We are gonna be baking this in a bain marie (a pan of hot water in which a cooking container is place for slow cooking) Make sure to boil the water but do not preheat the oven. 
Bake at 155 deg C-160 deg C for about 1 hour 45 minutes or until the middle is set .

Halfway thru baking cover the top of the cheesecake flan with foil to avoid the top of the flan burning. 

Once baked let it sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes the refrigirate it for 3 hours. 

This is how to make Cheesecake Flan if you are somewhat confused I attached a video for your reference. 

Thank you so much.

My Sweetambitions :D

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Ube Bars

Hi guys today I will be sharing my recipe for Ube bars this is my absolute favourite bread and I did not stop trying  to test recipe just to get this one perfect for my liking, so I hope you like it too. 


60 g of melted butter
2/3 cup of evaporated milk
2/3 cup of warm water
1 packet of yeast (8g or 2 1/2 tsp)
1/2 cup of sugar +1 tbsp
1 tbsp of ube flavouring 

For the Syrup: this is what I used in the video but its quite allot I have a  left over you can cut the recipe in half if you prefer

1 tbsp of ube flavouring
3 cups of powdered sugar
1 1/2 cup of water
1 cup of dessicated cococnut (more or less)

Pre heat oven at 180 deg Celcius

  • Combine 1 tbsp of sugar into the warm milk give it a mix and add the packet of yeast give it a stir and set aside.
  • In a bowl combine the wet ingridients ,(the yeast mixture, evaporated milk, melted butter and 1 tbsp of the ube flavouring.)
  • Then add the sugar
  • We can then now gradually add the bread flour start by adding atleast 2 1/2 cups of bread flour then add the salt aswell then start kneading the dough.
  • Once the bread flour is absorb by the liquid ingridients we can now then add the rest of the breadflour, knead the dough for 8-10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic.

  • The dough does not need any proofing time so we can bake it straight away. I use my swiss roll pan which is 33x22 cm but you canuse any baking pan you desire. So shape the dough to fit the baking pan , sometime all you need is to stretch the dough by using its own weight to strech it,.
  • Make sure that the dough is equal in thickness so it will bake evenly
  • Scoring the dough is really important step in this bread making, just make a light indent of the dough as to how big you want your  ube bars to be, this will make the cutting easy plus it will provide a vent so the dough can cook properly. 
  • Score the dough horizontally and vertically forming rectangular bars.
  • Bake at at preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 22-25 minutes or until the dough is fully cook.

  • For the Syrup I made quite allot so feel free to half the recipe.
  • Combine the water and ube flavouring and bring to boil
  • Once it boiling turn of the heat and pour it over the powdered sugar
We our now then read to assemble the ube bars

  • Cut the ube bars, (just follow the indents we made before baking . This step is really easy .
  • Soak the ube bars into the syrup for about 3-4 minutes then take it out and drain the excess liquid into a drying rack. 
  • Then finally roll the ube bars into the dessicated coconut
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog if just incase you failed to follow my written instructions I provided a video for you to follow. 

Have a good day and enjoy baking.


My Sweet Ambitions 

Sunday 8 February 2015

Banana Choc chip Cake

HI guys today I have bananas that is very ripe and I decided to make banana cake ,

3 ripe bananas
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
20 ml milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 room temperature butter
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup chocolate chips (milk)
2 eggs

Preheat oven at 180 deg C

1. Peel and mash the bananas set aside.
2. Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
3. Combine sugar and butter mix until well combined.
4. Add the vanilla and milk to the butter sugar mixture mix until well combined then add the eggs one at a time beating well in each additions then finally add the banana at this point the butter will split forn the mixture but thats normal since the bananas are cold but as soon as you add the flour mixture it will go back into one beautiful mixture.
5 Add the flour mix into the butter mixture using the folding method until combined and then finally fold in the chocolate chip cookies .

I use 8x3" cake pan that I greased with butter, Just put in the banana cake batter in to the tin before baking tap the pan agains  your work surface to even out the mixture and release air bubbles if there is any.

Bake at a preheated oven at 180 Deg C for about 30-40 minutes or until when you insert a toothpick in the middle and the toothpick comes out clean.

You can choose to add cream cheese filling or butter cream filling but this alone is great cake that can be eaten without frosting

Thanks for stopping by.

My Sweet Ambitions

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Ube Swiss Roll

Hi guys today I will be sharing my recipe for Ube Swiss Roll

I use ube powder of dehydrated purple yam so to rehydrate it we need some ingridients
You can change this recipe a little bit to your own liking this recipe can be use to 3 ube swill roll

2 1/2 tbsp of the poder ube
1/4 cup milk plus 2 tbsp
1/4 cup coconut milk or coconut cream +2 tbsp
2 tbsp of sugar

For the cake
100 g of sugar divided 30g for the egg yolk mixture
1 1/2 tsp of ube flavouring
1/4 tsp of salt
25 ml of milk
25 g of melted butter
80 g cake flour
2 1/2 tbsp of the rehydrated purple yam
5 eggyolks
optional  1 drop of purple food colouring

For the meringue
70 g (remaining from the 100 g that we divided )
5 eggwhites

For the Cream
1 1 /2 cup of whipping cream of thickened cream
3/4 cup powdered sugar or icing sugar
1 tsp of ube flavouring
optional 1 drop of purple food  colour
optional as well to decorate is glazed cherries


To rehydrate the ube powder
Combine all the ingridients in a pot (1/4 cup milk , 1/4 coconut milk or coconut cream sugar and ube powder) if you find that the liquid has evaporated and the ube is not cook add additional 2 tbsp of coconut milk or coconut cream and 2 tbsp of milk continue cooking until the ube comes together it take about 4-5 minutes to cook the ube

 Pre heat oven at 170 deg C

Beat the sugar and eggyolks until light and frothy then add the liquid ingridients in no particulat order, (water, melted butter and ube flavouring ).

Whisk in the rehydrated ube make sure that there is no more lumps.
Optional ingridients is purple food coloring just add 1 drop  just to make the ube cak vibrant.

Combine the cake flour and salt, mix or if you want you can sift it.

Combine the cake flour into the eggyolk batter.

Set aside.

For the meringue

In a separate bowl free from any grease beat the eggwhites until frothy, then gradually add the sugar
continue beating until the eggwhites reaches stiff peak stage

Combine the eggyolk ube mixture with the meringue mixture , add the meringue in 3 additions using the folding method .

Then transfer the whole cake in a swissroll pan lined with parchment paper, but before baking tap the cake pan to release air bubbles .

Bake at a preheated oven at 170 deg C for about 15-17 minutes do not overbake .

While the cake is baking prepare the tea towel dust it with powder sugar and once the cake is done transfer the cake into the prepared tea towel , remove the parchment paper while the cake is still hot and let it cool down completely .

For the  Icing cream

1 1/2 cup of Whipping Cream or thickened cream
1 tsp of ube flavouring
3/4 cup of powdered sugar
optional , 1 drop of purple food coloring.
glazed cherries for decoration.

Whip the cream  and add the powdered sugar,  whipp it until it reach stiff peak stage , reserve about 1/4 cup of the whipp cream before adding the other ingridients

At this point be very careful adding the ube flavoring and purple food colouring we do not want the whipp cream to over beat or else it will turn it into a butter, so add the ube flavoring and purple food colouring until just combined.

Then decorate the cake which way you want. You can also use swiss meringue buttercream flavoured with ube if you do not wish to use whipped cream

Hope you give this a try

Love ,

My Sweet Ambitions :D